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About us

Hope Mills Presbyterian Church is a diverse, faith community with people from many backgrounds who believe relationships matter. As brothers and sisters, each one of us is God's unique creation worthy of one another's love, respect, and care. We realize we are not perfect people, but we are taught from scripture to strive daily, in our relationship with Christ, to live the way we should, as we entrust our lives to God's transforming work in us.


It is our mission to provide a place of belonging where people can come as they are into the presence of God. Our shared experience of the good news of the Gospel through worship, prayer, biblically sound preaching and teaching, study, fellowship, outreach, and service shape our lives and ministry.


In our life together, we commit to be a community of faith, love,  hope, and witness, as we diligently serve God and move by His Spirit, share God's love with others, and help the Church grow as the visible presence of God's Kingdom in the world.

Pastor's Welcome:
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Rev. Debra M. Patterson

I want to take this moment to say we are glad you took the time to visit our website.  Thank you for your interest in Hope Mills Presbyterian Church, and we look forward to meeting you.  


For the past 40 years, I have had the rewarding experience of working with individuals and their families in various fields of nursing; and for 20 years in ministry.  During this time, I have witnessed many people challenged by life.


If you are searching for something and know not what that is; if you have lost something and do not know how to move forward without it; or if you feel emptiness for any reason; you are among many seeking answers that will help make life more meaningful.  We may not have many of the answers you seek, but God does, and we believe God hears and answers us when we pray.  So perhaps this is a good place to start. 


My strong belief in the transformative power of Jesus Christ and God's Word in our lives strengthens my hopes of helping people discover how to apply the scriptures to their lives.  As we do so, may we all come to know God and learn to welcome life's situations as opportunities.


May these experiences lead us to personal and spiritual growth, and most of all, to deeper relationship with Christ.  We invite you to join us on this journey as we walk towards God.

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