Daily Inspiration: "The person who insists upon seeing with perfect clarity before he or she decides never decides." The Daily Walk Bible
Join Us
Come out or CLICK the ORANGE box below to join the dial-in worship. We look forward to seeing you and hearing your voices.
Sunday 11:00am
6th Year Pastoral Relationship Anniversary
October 6, 2024
11:00 A M
Worship Every Sunday.
Each Sunday morning at 11:00 am worship in the sanctuary, the teleconference line is open simultaneously for those persons who desire to worship from home (see the tab below).
Masks are not required. We ask that you sign our visitors roster so that we may know of your visit with us.
Scripture readings are printed in the bulletin. If joining us at home, you may access the worship bulletin on our website. Members will continue to receive the weekly bulletin email.
Please enter the building through the front or through the parking lot door. Hope to see you soon.